
C-to-Verilog.com provides C to HDL as a service

If you follow this blog, then you've read my ramblings on EDA SaaS. An interesting new advance in this area is http://www.c-to-verilog.com. This website let's you compile C code into synthesizable Verilog modules.

Here is a screencast of the service:

I've also discovered a few other websites related to EDA, SaaS and "Cloud Computing." Harry the asic guy's blog covers the burgeoning EDA SaaS market and Xuropa is creating an online community for EDA users and developers. Here's a two part EETimes piece which talks about EDA SaaS.

I already use a remote desktop connection to run most of my EDA jobs remotely. I've argued that there is a "generation gap" between SaaS and traditional software license markets. The people who used to code in university basements when they were 13 in the 60's and 70's invented the software licensing industry. Now, the people who used to herd botnets when they were 13 are graduating with computer science degrees. The nu-hacker distributes code updates to all his users immediately without forcing anyone to wait through an install.

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