
Effective Blog Commenting to Increase Page RankIt’s amazing how many people do not know the principles of blog commenting. The concept of dofollow may be a fairly new concept – especially to those outside the SEO community – but if you don’t pay attention to this very important attribute, your blog commenting strategy will be for naught. It depends somewhat if you’re after traffic or better page rank, but my guess is that a lot of people are commenting for the page rank exposure, rather than the traffic (which can be slight). What other explanation can there be for the litany of people posting comments with stellar anchor text on a PR 0 blog that has nofollow for comment links? Obviously, these aspiring marketers have no idea that their links count for nothing. So every blog commenter should devise a good strategy for commenting on blogs in order to get the most page rank value. Here are the main commenting tips: 1. Write a useful comment. Take as much time thinking about writing a comment as you’d think about writing a paragraph on your blog. A comment needs to be tailored to the post. Yes, people are desperate for comments, but vague comments get thrown out – like “Great post. I like your style.” (just wait for some smart a*s to write that comment on this post.) 2. Find a list of blogs in your niche. It’s recommended to go to a dofollow blog directory and find dofollowers in your niche. Narrow down those dofollow blogs by pinpointing the blogs with the highest page rank (in the Google toolbar, SEOQuake plugin, or other method). 3. Seek out blog posts that already have a good number of backlinks. Just because the blog’s homepage has a decent page rank doesn’t mean that every blog post will. There are cases where an internal blog post can have better rank than the homepage if that internal page gets a lot of links. Note: if it’s a new post, page rank won’t show up in a toolbar, but trackbacks will show up in the comment section. Also, the number of comments signifies its overall popularity. 4. Use Google reader or other RSS reader. This is a WAY better way to organize links than through standard browser bookmarks. Can’t recommend this enough. How many time have you gone to a browser bookmark only to find that the same frontpage post is still sitting there? Using a reader will organize posts based on their freshness. It’s easier to hop around between blog to blog to find places to comment. Really, commenting off a reader should be one of your daily marketing strategies. Whenever you find a blog with a good home page rank and dofollow comments (this is usually advertised), grab its RSS feed. 5. Subscribe to a thread when you comment. Someone might respond to you and then you can add another link and add to the discussion. 6. Look for sites that activate Commentluv, as this will add a link to an internal page. If you add Commentluv to your own site, you can choose which page to list. Otherwise, it will list your most recent post – which means after you post you should head over to your Commentluv site list and make another comment. 7. Find Top Commenter sites. Another plugin will show a blog’s top commenters (sort of irritatingly misspelled as “Top Commentators”). Often, it only takes 2 comments to make it to the list. Even sites that have nofollow enabled in comments will have dofollow for the top commenter list, so you shouldn’t always stay away from nofollow sites. 8. Make five comments a day, at least. This means you have to have a pretty big RSS feed list, because you can’t make five comments a day on the same two blogs. Over time, these comments will really build up. Added bonus: many of these comments will show up in your Technorati profile, improving your Technorati rank.


  1. It's amazing how many people simply leave a few lines of comment in the comment section when trying to get backlinks through blog commenting.

    A really good strategy should be to provide a decent amount of content that is usefull to the topic.

    I have found that commenting a lot and spending time writing good content also as a blog comment is a surefire way to get your comment posted.

    If the comment you re making is relevant to the topic at hand then 2 things happen:
    1. The original poster's content is increased by relevant content from the blog commenter.
    2. More people who read the blog read the comments and actually get something out of it.

    So also in blog commenting or backlinks: content is key!
